Astro Boy

Astro Boy was set in the magical future world of the year 2000, where robot workers are common, filling such roles as factory workers to firemen and even nurses (We think we saw some flying cars in there, too). There was a version of this cartoon back in the 60's, but we remember the 80's version, with that unforgettable theme song. Go ahead, sing along! We dare ya:Soaring high in the sky,He may be small but only in size.AstroBoy, AstroBoy,He is brave and gentle and wise!Stronger Than all the rest,this mighty robot will pass the test,Oh villans fear him, so we cheer him,The amazing AstroBoy!When you need someone strong,Our robot friend will never be long.AstroBoy, AstroBoy,He will try to right any wrong!When there's danger near by,No matter who, what, where, when or why.He'll defend us, he'll defend us,The amazing AstroBoy!
Our next entry is believed by many (who care about this sort of stuff) to be a Canadian show, but it's actually American (Dammit! Oh well, we still make kick-ass maple syrup). The Wizard Of Oz was produced in the 60's (hmmm..lot's of LSD usage in that era..coincidence?) and was loosely based on the original movie from the 30's. They did come up with some clever name changes, i.e. Dandy the Lion (we don't get it) and Rusty the Tin Man (pure genius!). Another cartoon with an annoyingly catchy theme song:They're three sad soulsOh me, oh my,No brains, no heart,He's much too shy.But never mind you three,Here's the Wizard as you can see.He'll fix that one, two, threeIn that funny place called the world of Oz.Oh the world of Oz is a funny, funny placeWhere everyone has a funny, funny face.All the streets are paved with gold,And no one ever grows old.In that funny land lives the Wizard of Oz.Just try and get that out of your head for the rest of the day!You're welcome!

Copyright 2006 Your3DSource.Com
Besides the theme song, the part we most remember was the ending of each episode, where Astro would visit his friend Doctor Elefun to recap that episode's adventure. They would have one mistake in the recap though, and you would have to guess what it was. Quite challenging for a six year old! Also of note is the astounding Japanese to English dubbing, nearly exceeding the expertise of many Bruce Lee movies!